Calendar of Events

Event Type:

December 2024
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Events available for Registration...

Adult Learning & Development
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What is ALP?
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Statewide Programs Affinity Group
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Youth Programs Affinity Group
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Building Social Trust Across Difference | Information Session
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Finance, Accounting, Fundraising and Other Revenue Sources
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Alumni Engagement Affinity Group
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Leadership Connections | The Power of Everyday Equity
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BIPOC Leaders Affinity Group
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Chamber Based Programs Affinity Group
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The Certified Community Leadership Practitioner Program
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Flagship Affinity Group
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Leadership Theory and Application
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Coffee & Connection
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Coffee & Connection
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Building Cultural Competencies
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Developing and Managing Boards and Volunteers
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Advanced Facilitation
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2025 ALP National Conference
7/21/2025 - 7/24/2025
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Connecting Across Difference
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Leadership Recharged: Advancing Effectiveness through RQ and Strategic Rest
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Legends of the Stockyards Walking Food Tour
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The JFK Tour
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Coffee & Connection
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Coffee & Connection
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Events in the month of December 2024

A new partnership between Civity, the Association of Leadership Programs (ALP), and the National Leadership Network (NLN) aims to transform that hope into action by empowering leaders to bridge divides and foster social trust across differences.

This initiative is designed to equip local leaders with the tools and support they need to build connections in communities where division runs deep. These leaders often possess significant influence within their communities, but even the most established leaders face the challenge of uniting people who are separated by distrust and fear of difference. The goal of this partnership is to help these leaders create the relational infrastructure necessary for communities to come together, collaborate, and move forward.

At the heart of this effort is a commitment to fostering a relationship-building mindset. The partnership provides training that encourages leaders to engage with others—especially those they may view as "other"—in meaningful ways. The training is designed to create spaces where everyone feels that they matter, particularly those who have been marginalized or silenced.

Two information sessions will be held to learn more and start building the future of trust and connection through leadership. Both sessions will cover the same information. 

Session 1:
Thursday, November 21
3:00 - 4:30 PM ET  | 12:00 - 1:30 PM PT 

Session 2:
Tuesday, December 10
12:00 - 1:30 PM ET  | 9:00 - 10:30 AM PT 

Are you a new member of ALP or a new team member within your Community Leadership Program? Join us for a one-hour deep dive into all that ALP has to offer. Meet members of the team, get connected with colleagues, learn about ALP programming, and how to navigate your members-only portal. 
A Pacesetter Membership is a select level of membership specially designed for ALP members who are the most progressive...those who serve as the models and exemplars of the industry. A Pacesetter is someone who thinks two steps ahead, not where we are today but where we should be in the future.

Pacesetters gather virtually every month to level up their conversations and challenge their colleagues from across the nation. For more information, click here.
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The Zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here

For members who are signed up for Affinity Groups, you can access the Zoom link through the "projects/committees" drop-down after logging into the ALP website.
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here

For members who are signed up for Affinity Groups, you can access the Zoom link through the "projects/committees" drop-down after logging into the ALP website.

A key indicator of a successful community leadership program is its ability to identify, attract, and retain quality volunteer leaders. Examine leadership and succession programs through strategic volunteer development.

Course objectives:

  • Developing volunteer leadership.
  • Implementing successful strategies to recruit organizational leadership.
  • Learning board best practices.
  • Building a volunteer structure for future leaders to emerge and creating succession plans for key roles.
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here
12/19/2024 - 1/3/2025