Calendar of Events

Event Type:

August 2023
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Events available for Registration...

Adult Learning & Development
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What is ALP?
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Statewide Programs Affinity Group
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Youth Programs Affinity Group
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Building Social Trust Across Difference | Information Session
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Finance, Accounting, Fundraising and Other Revenue Sources
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Alumni Engagement Affinity Group
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Leadership Connections | The Power of Everyday Equity
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BIPOC Leaders Affinity Group
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Chamber Based Programs Affinity Group
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The Certified Community Leadership Practitioner Program
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Flagship Affinity Group
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Leadership Theory and Application
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Coffee & Connection
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Coffee & Connection
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Building Cultural Competencies
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Developing and Managing Boards and Volunteers
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Advanced Facilitation
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2025 ALP National Conference
7/21/2025 - 7/24/2025
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Connecting Across Difference
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Leadership Recharged: Advancing Effectiveness through RQ and Strategic Rest
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Legends of the Stockyards Walking Food Tour
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The JFK Tour
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Coffee & Connection
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Coffee & Connection
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Events in the month of August 2023
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here

One of the leading reasons for underperformance and job loss in the nonprofit industry is poor fiscal stewardship and management. Don’t let this area be the cause of your demise. Learn about the core financial building blocks for a fiscally strong Community Leadership Program and how to enhance sustainability and continuity.  

Facilitators:  A. Michael Gellman, Myra Smith, Vikki Keszey, and Michael Bennett 

Course Objectives

  • Explore the key components of financial health to gain a better understanding of your balance sheet and the importance of building operating reserves.
  • Examine the key budgeting concepts needed to put together meaningful budget-based financial reports to help you better manage your organization’s financial resources during difficult times. 
  • Learn about effective financial messaging strategies and tactics and how to use financial dashboards to communicate effectively with leadership and staff.
  • Exploring innovative revenue streams for your CLP.

Registration Fee:
CCLP Certification/ALP Members: $150
Non-Members: $300

A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here
Are you a new member of ALP or a new team member within your Community Leadership Program? Join us for a one-hour deep dive into all that ALP has to offer. Meet members of the team, get connected with colleagues, learn about ALP programming, and how to navigate your members-only portal. 
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here