Calendar of Events

Event Type:

May 2023
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Events available for Registration...

Adult Learning & Development
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What is ALP?
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Statewide Programs Affinity Group
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Youth Programs Affinity Group
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Building Social Trust Across Difference | Information Session
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Finance, Accounting, Fundraising and Other Revenue Sources
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Alumni Engagement Affinity Group
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Leadership Connections | The Power of Everyday Equity
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BIPOC Leaders Affinity Group
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Chamber Based Programs Affinity Group
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The Certified Community Leadership Practitioner Program
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Flagship Affinity Group
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Leadership Theory and Application
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Coffee & Connection
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Coffee & Connection
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Building Cultural Competencies
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Developing and Managing Boards and Volunteers
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Advanced Facilitation
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2025 ALP National Conference
7/21/2025 - 7/24/2025
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Connecting Across Difference
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Leadership Recharged: Advancing Effectiveness through RQ and Strategic Rest
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Legends of the Stockyards Walking Food Tour
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The JFK Tour
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Coffee & Connection
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Coffee & Connection
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Events in the month of May 2023
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here

A Pacesetter Membership is a select membership level specially designed for ALP members who are the most progressive...those who serve as the models and exemplars of the industry. A Pacesetter is someone who thinks two steps ahead, not where we are today but where we should be in the future.

A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here
Does your program include a board matching or placement element? Are you thinking about incorporating this into future program years? Hear from ALP colleagues who have successfully launched and managed a board place/matching program within their respective community leadership program brand. Wendy Thomas, Executive Director of Leadership Tulsa, and Gena Reeder, Board Engagement Manager at Leadership Metro Richmond, will lead this discussion. Hear how they got started, what has worked and what hasn't, and come with questions! 

Join us on Monday, May 8, at 12:00 PM ET for this Leadership Connections session. 
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here


Understanding the characteristics of adult learning and ensuring your community leadership program curriculum is set up so your participants truly learn.  

Course Objectives:
  • Understanding the difference between youth and adult learning 
  • Examining the principles of adult learning
  • Evaluating your curriculum against the principles of adult learning

Facilitators: Brendan Leahy, Ed.D,  Emily Saunders

Registration Fee:
ALP Members $150
Non-Members $300

A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here
