Calendar of Events

Event Type:

January 2023
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Events available for Registration...

CCLP | Study Group - Leadership Theories & Advanced Facilitation
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Leadership Connections | Elevate Grand Island - A Program for New Americans
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CCLP | Financials, Accounting, Fundraising, and Other Revenue Streams Course - 2024
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CCLP | Developing and Managing Volunteers and Boards Course - 2024
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Events in the month of January 2023
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here
We often look up the organization chart or the community ladder of influence to identify the leaders. Yet, what if you don't have to be THE Leader to be A leader? Discover how leading can be as simple and accessible as the ability to recognize and commit an act of kindness. You will learn simple yet powerful access to being a leader at any moment, regardless of your level or title, so that you can immediately see and seize more opportunities to make the difference you want to make where you work and live. Attendees can expect to leave with tools to bring back to their cohorts.

About the Speaker
Susan Mazza works with leaders and their teams in leading change and transforming their performance, relationships and work environment as a business consultant, master facilitator, leadership coach and motivational speaker.


Interested in facilitating a workshop at ALP's National Conference? Proposals are now being accepted. For more information and to submit a proposal, click here.
A key ALP member benefit is connecting virtually with other members via Affinity Groups on a specific topic of interest.  
An ALP member/champion facilitates these ongoing, intact groups. Members of the group share and gain ideas, insights, best practices, inspiration, and more.  

The zoom link for each affinity group is only shared with members who have opted-in to specific groups. To sign up for an affinity group, click here

Board Leadership is a live virtual training program that develops participants’ knowledge and skills to effectively serve on a nonprofit board. The program provides training as a powerful combination of statewide expertise with local vision and insight. CLE has partnered with the New York Council of Nonprofits (NYCON) to deliver core trainings balanced with region-specific “fireside chat” sessions facilitated by CLE with community leaders. The curriculum is designed to provide participants with knowledge of the nonprofit model and the governance responsibilities associated with board service. 
Sessions will take place via Zoom to allow anyone from anywhere the opportunity to join the training and will be offered independently of one another to allow individuals to choose areas of interest and learning. 
Sessions will take place from 4-6 p.m. to allow for those who volunteer for organizations flexibility with their time. 
The Certified Community Leadership Practitioner (CCLP) certification is designed to enhance individual performance, elevate professional standards, and recognize association, chamber of commerce, and other nonprofit professionals who demonstrate the knowledge essential to the practice of program development in a leadership organization.

Candidates must complete 16 hours of CORE training before proceeding to the pre-designated coursework.  The CORE training will be offered virtually over four separate days. Participants must attend each of the following sessions in full:  
  • Monday, January 30: 12:00 - 4:00 PM ET
  • Monday, February 6: 12:00 - 4:00 PM ET
  • Monday, February 27: 12:00 - 4:00 PM ET
  • Monday, March 6: 12:00 - 2:00 PM ET
The CORE training will include five modules:
  • Module 1: Program Scope
  • Module 2: Program Specifics
  • Module 3. Program Strategies
  • Module 4. Program Systems
  • Module 5. Program Sustainability

The same ZOOM link will be used for all sessions and shared the week prior to the first session. 

Payment plans are available for ALP members. To discuss, contact