Calendar of Events

Event Type:

August 2022
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Events available for Registration...

Certified Community Leadership Practitioner | 2025 CORE Training Course
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Leadership Connections | Rethinking Who Is On The Board: Increasing Representation and Sustainability
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Leadership Connections | The Self-Aware Leader: The Link Between Self-Awareness and Leadership Effectiveness
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Events in the month of August 2022
Throughout the month of August, ALP will offer a "repeat" of top-rated workshops from the ALP National Conference held in June 2022 in Orlando, Florida. 

Individual workshops will be offered for $35/each, or a value package of all virtual workshops (and access to the recordings in case you cannot attend live) for $250. 

All virtual conference workshops are complimentary to attend for anyone who attended the in-person National Conference. Take this chance to attend a session you missed! 

There is no virtual gathering on August 1, this calendar event is a placeholder for you to pay for the bundled package of all the virtual workshops for $250

What if every leader in your community correctly understood how they communicated and how they received communication? What problems could be solved, issues resolved, and people unified if we all knew and valued the voices in the room?

In this workshop, you will identify your leadership voice, what specific contributions your voice offers, and how to collaborate with others to change the conversation in your community.

Facilitated by Jonathan R. Parker; learn more about Jonathan here.

Individual workshops for the virtual conference sessions are $35 or all virtual sessions (access to recordings if you can not attend live) for $250.
Registration for all virtual conference sessions is complimentary for those who attended the in-person conference in Orlando, Florida. 


One-size-fits-all is never true in hosiery, hats, or fundraising. Are you churning out the same old requests like a printing press from the 1700s? Stop! Today's funders want to INVEST and ENGAGE, not just support. Like individual donors, corporate sponsors are becoming more strategic about their community investments and expect more from their nonprofit partners. Learn from Leadership Austin as they share how they work with their most prominent corporate sponsors to provide meaningful, mutually beneficial partnership opportunities.

Facilitated by Missy Dodge Strittmatter, Leadership Austin

Individual workshops for the virtual conference sessions are $35 or all virtual sessions (access to recordings if you can not attend live) for $250.
Registration for all virtual conference sessions is complimentary for those who attended the in-person conference in Orlando, Florida. 


Kansas CLPs played a crucial role in launching a statewide initiative in November 2020 known as Kansas Beats the Virus. Kansas Leadership Center partnered with the Kansas Department of Health to mobilize an alumni network and key partners to design and launch locally-led action projects to make progress on this large-scale leadership challenge. In this case, it was connected to the pandemic. In subsequent research about this mass action effort, KLC discovered key findings of locally-led projects impacting progress on a community's most daunting challenges - poverty, homelessness, economic development, public discourse, and civic engagement. This workshop will showcase essential components and strategies that participants can explore and leverage in their organizations and communities.

Facilitated by Racquel Thiesen, Kansas Leadership Center

Individual workshops for the virtual conference sessions are $35 or all sessions (access to recordings if you can not attend live) for $250.
Registration for all virtual conference sessions is complimentary for those who attended the in-person conference in Orlando, Florida. 

Peer Connections offers a monthly opportunity to connect virtually with your peers through interactive conversations. Attendees are encouraged to ask open-ended questions and share what's on their minds.
You will have access to others who do what you do, face challenges similar to yours, and are continually innovating to move their programs and their communities forward despite current conditions. You can ask others for input on a big or small issue, compare notes, or share your wins. The people in ALP share generously, so you may apply new ideas that could help your program.
Peer Connections sessions can benefit you right away, and through attending you will also experience one small aspect of ALP’s member benefits: being in the room with people who do what you do.

Achieving greater Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is a complex process that requires a change in various dimensions—policies, practices, attitudes, and behaviors. This session will address diversity, equity, and inclusion issues and topics; information will be presented focused on unconscious bias, cultural competencies, equity audits, and building allies to create and leverage diversity.

Course Objectives:

  • Examine group norms and common vocabulary
  • Explore cultural history
  • Create awareness and identify unconscious bias
  • Lens of Inclusion with examples of language and best practices 
  • Learn and discuss equity audit

This session will cover the four essential building blocks for a high-performance board. People: Learn how to scout talent for your board, so you have the right people. Culture: Learn how to structure board meetings for authentic/courageous conversations that promote a culture of inquiry. Work: Understand how to achieve full board engagement in work without inviting your board into the daily weeds. Impact: Learn how to make a bold move and still balance risk tolerance. Then we will apply all four elements to helping your board navigate its role in creating an inclusive community.

Facilitated by Cynthia Knapek, Leadership Louisville.

Individual workshops for the virtual conference sessions are $35 or all virtual sessions (access to recordings if you can not attend live) for $250.
Registration for all virtual conference sessions is complimentary for those who attended the in-person conference in Orlando, Florida. 


“Get to know you” games are the foundation of all our leadership programs, but how well do we get to know our class members? Or should I say how comfortable are class members in sharing about ALL of themselves? Identity is a very complex issue. Aspects of race and culture have become somewhat familiar in our group matrix, but deeper issues of gender identity and sexual orientation are not so easy to define, identify, share, or integrate. In this workshop, we will first explore the complexity of gender and sexual identity – it’s MUCH more complicated than you think – and then engage in dialogue about why identity as a WHOLE matters. From youth programs to adult programs and adults working with youth, this is a topic critical to our success, not just in our leadership development but also in the health of our communities.

Facilitated by Alex Roller, Leadership Oklahoma City.

Individual workshops for the virtual conference sessions are $35 or all virtual sessions (access to recordings if you can not attend live) for $250.
Registration for all virtual conference sessions is complimentary for those who attended the in-person conference in Orlando, Florida. 


Are you interested in embedding racial equity and anti-racism into your organization and programming? Dr. Rebeca Rivera will share how Leadership Tomorrow has adopted anti-racist approaches throughout the flagship program, alumni programming, and organization. Participants will learn about the work of the board and staff in learning and adopting an anti-racist framework, the iterative process of adapting to feedback while creating institutional and programmatic changes, and how anti-racist and racial equity work show up in alumni committees and programming, as well as future goals. Participants will apply content to their organizations and share the work of their organizations.

Facilitated by Rebeca Rivera, Leadership Tomorrow

Individual workshops for the virtual conference sessions are $35 or all virtual sessions (access to recordings if you can not attend live) for $250.
Registration for all virtual conference sessions is complimentary for those who attended the in-person conference in Orlando, Florida. 


What if you had one program that could develop senior leaders as talent fuel for nonprofits during the fierce talent competition, address social isolation and loss of identity, allow seniors to regain their sense of purpose, meaning, and relevance, and impact your community's quality of life all at the same time? Give 5 is a first-of-its-kind, full-immersion civic engagement program that teaches retired (and retiring) Baby Boomers about their community, then shows the "behind the curtain" at various nonprofits. With 10,000 Baby Boomers turning 65 and retiring every day for 19 years, the program seeks to address the growing problem of isolation by allowing participants to do a "taste-testing" of volunteer opportunities in a fun and exciting way.

Facilitated by Greg Burris and Cora Scott, Give 5

Individual workshops for the virtual conference sessions are $35 or all virtual sessions (access to recordings if you can not attend live) for $250.
Registration for all virtual conference sessions is complimentary for those who attended the in-person conference in Orlando, Florida. 


We often look up the organization chart or the community ladder of influence to identify the leaders. Yet, what if you don't have to be THE leader to be A leader? Discover how leading can be as simple and accessible as the ability to recognize and commit an act of kindness. You will learn simple yet powerful access to being a leader at any moment, regardless of your level or title, so that you can immediately see and seize more opportunities to make the difference you want to make where you work and live.

Facilitated by Susan Mazza, Random Acts of Leadership

Individual workshops for the virtual conference sessions are $35 or all virtual sessions (access to recordings if you can not attend live) for $250.
Registration for all virtual conference sessions is complimentary for those who attended the in-person conference in Orlando, Florida. 


This session will provide attendees with tips, tools, and resources to enhance leadership programs for women. Attendees will be introduced to three leadership development exercises, learn to use smartphones to connect audiences with your content through real-time interactive experiences, and build community by sharing resources and best practices.

Facilitated by Shalia Ford, FOCUS St. Louis

Individual workshops for the virtual conference sessions are $35 or all virtual sessions (access to recordings if you can not attend live) for $250.
Registration for all virtual conference sessions is complimentary for those who attended the in-person conference in Orlando, Florida.