Calendar of Events

Event Type:

May 2022
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Events available for Registration...

CCLP | Study Group - Leadership Theories & Advanced Facilitation
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Leadership Connections | Elevate Grand Island - A Program for New Americans
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CCLP | Financials, Accounting, Fundraising, and Other Revenue Streams Course - 2024
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CCLP | Developing and Managing Volunteers and Boards Course - 2024
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Events in the month of May 2022
Join your colleagues for a discussion centered on alumni engagement strategies.

This session will feature a panel community leadership program directors from all over the country who have unique and effective approaches to engaging their program alumni.  You will leave the session with inspiration for new ways to get your alumni engaged - without breaking the bank.

About Leadership Connections: 

The purpose of our monthly Leadership Connections programming is to offer continuing education and support for our members. These virtual sessions offer ideas and skills that can be used in your own programs.  Three different sessions will be offered on each topic - utilizing experts and panelists of your peers to offer practical applications to take back to your program.  Topics rotate each quarter of the calendar year. Do you have a topic idea for a Leadership Connections? Email Tori Colarusso, Director of Programs

Topic TBD
Peer Connections offers a monthly opportunity to connect virtually with your peers through interactive conversations. Attendees are encouraged to ask open-ended questions and share what's on their minds.
You will have access to others who do what you do, face challenges similar to yours, and are continually innovating to move their programs and their communities forward despite current conditions. You can ask others for input on a big or small issue, compare notes, or share your wins. The people in ALP share generously, so you may apply new ideas that could help your program.
Peer Connections sessions can benefit you right away, and through attending you will also experience one small aspect of ALP’s member benefits: being in the room with people who do what you do.

Understanding the characteristics of adult learning and ensuring your community leadership program curriculum is set up so that your participants truly learn.  

Course Objectives:

  • Understanding the difference between youth and adult learning 
  • Examining the principles of adult learning
  • Evaluating your curriculum against the principles of adult learning

Brendan Leahy, Ed.D
Assistant Director and Public Service Associate
Community and Youth Leadership Development
J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development, University of Georgia