Calendar of Events

Event Type:

April 2022
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Events available for Registration...

CCLP | Study Group - Leadership Theories & Advanced Facilitation
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Leadership Connections | Elevate Grand Island - A Program for New Americans
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CCLP | Financials, Accounting, Fundraising, and Other Revenue Streams Course - 2024
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CCLP | Developing and Managing Volunteers and Boards Course - 2024
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Events in the month of April 2022

A key indicator of a successful community leadership program is its ability to identify, attract, and retain quality volunteer leaders. This course will address the role of personal experiences in shaping value systems, communications styles, leadership preferences, recognize differences between generational groups and create strategies to strengthen multigenerational groups. It will also examine leadership and succession programs through strategic volunteer development.

  • Facilitators: Lauren Healey, Ashley Mudd & Susan Rozzi

Date and time: April 1, 2022, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET
Course objectives:

  • Developing volunteer leadership.

  • Implementing successful strategies to recruit organizational leadership.

  • Learning board best practices.

  • Building a volunteer structure for future leaders to emerge and creating succession plans for key roles.

Registration Fee: $150

Topic TBD
Roundtable Discussion for ALP Chamber CEOs/Executive Directors

As the leader of your Chamber, you have unique challenges and opportunities related to your program that go beyond program development/execution. This is your opportunity to connect with other Chamber CEOs/EDs offering community leadership programs. 
Mark your calendar for April 6 at 2:00pm ET, and register at the link below.
Join Leadership Howard County (Columbia, Maryland) to hear Amelia Rose Earhart's inspirational lessons and how she has learned to love turbulence.  Learn how you can create a flight plan to navigate uncharted territory with courage. Discover how to plan for obstacles, face fear with confidence and adjust your journey to stay productive and successful.

Do you want to learn more about the Association of Leadership Programs? Curious what membership can do for your organization? Attend our FREE Open House to hear what ALP has to offer during this fun, interactive zoom event.  Testimonials, Q&A, breakout rooms, prizes, and much more! 
Peer Connections offers a monthly opportunity to connect virtually with your peers through interactive conversations. Attendees are encouraged to ask open-ended questions and share what's on their minds.
You will have access to others who do what you do, face challenges similar to yours, and are continually innovating to move their programs and their communities forward despite current conditions. You can ask others for input on a big or small issue, compare notes, or share your wins. The people in ALP share generously, so you may apply new ideas that could help your program.
Peer Connections sessions can benefit you right away, and through attending you will also experience one small aspect of ALP’s member benefits: being in the room with people who do what you do.
Leadership Snohomish County is honored to host the 6th annual Step Up: Moving Racial Equity Forward Conference on April 29th, 2022.
Step Up 2022 is a virtual conference designed for participants to gain deeper understanding and new perspectives about racial equity and social justice and their workplace. Participants will leave with innovative and USEFUL tools on how to address systemic racism in their respective organizations and institutions that will be applicable across business, government, and non-profit sectors.

Step Up has become an integral day for LSC to continue to build capacity of our leaders and communities and support change across all sectors as we work towards undoing structural racism in Snohomish County and surrounding areas. It has also become an opportunity for visitors outside of our community to grow in their own racial equity journeys.

Over 900 people attended last year's event, with some visitors from outside of Washington and even from across seas! You can learn more about last year's event here.


Every program has fundamental principles it conveys as part of its curriculum. What theory or theories best embody what you are trying to teach? How can you create activities and adult learning practices that help your participants practice those theories? Relate key learning to community leadership development responsibilities and describe the relationship between Servant Leadership and Community Leadership.

Course Objectives:

  • Learn & discuss the most popular theories
  • Learn sample activities and processes to help participants grasp and begin incorporating these theories​
  • Practice sharing theory fundamentals in meaningful adult learning model techniques
Facilitator: Nancy Dering Mock

Registration Fee: $150